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are you to question Allah, who? Powerful Speech! Mohamed Hoblos |
Who are you to question Allah, who? Powerful Speech ! Mohamed Hoblos
The king the master the sustainer the creator of the heavens and the earth and we send peace and blessings upon hisbeloved muhammad sallallahu my brothers and sisters can i kindly askinshallah before we start that please no one to be recording please wallahi i beg you from my heartno one to be recording let your heart record inshaallah inshallah tonight let your heart record and don't worry aboutyour phone recording in children um also i i it's very very important thatyou give me your undivided attention i'm feeling a bit rusty i haven't given a talk in a while so i'm feeling alittle bit rusty but what i want to talk about tonight is actually quite important and i ask allah that he givesme the ability to say what i need to say in the best possible way so my brothers and sisters tonightwe want to try our best to keep things simple simple but wallahi very deep and veryvery important and tonight it's very important that you don't worry about who's not heredon't worry about who you think needs to hear this particular message tonight trust me allah subhanahu wa selectedwhom he wanted he gathered them here tonight insha allah said that we you and i can both benefit i'm asking allah to make things easy for meso my brothers and sisters let's let's start from the beginningtonight's lesson if you take fifty percent just fifty percentif you take fifty percent of tonight's lesson it will last you a lifetimeand i believe personally that it's the core and the foundation of your deenso let's start at the beginning what is islam and if you're thinking brother look i'malready muslim i don't need to hear this you actually need to hear this more than the non-muslimbecause today in the 21st century what's happening in our timeis an attack not on islam per se but i swear by allah it is an attack onthe very arcade and the concept of this faith [Music] so don't be fooledyou will not be attacked why are you muslim this this attack istoo old but they will come in such a way inshaallah tonight i will use examplesthat be if the lay will shed some light so let's start at the beginning what is islamwhat is islam [Music] today muslims are falling all overthemselves to try anddisplay islam represent islam in a manner that he thinks is bestmy brothers and sisters tonight we need to come to understand that you and i as muslimswe are asked to do only what allah and his prophet wantand this deen is only based on what allah and his prophet wantthis deen is not based on what you think and how and what i think and what you feel and how i feelislam my brothers and sisters means one thing and one thing only [Music]islam does not mean peace many muslims today tell you brotherislam means peace and i understand it comes with a good heart and a good intentionbut this is the problem that when you don't have valium when you don't have understanding and you speak purely ofdesire you end up hurting yourself hurting others confusing others and moreworse than all of it worse than all actually confusing yourself so many muslims today will tell melisten brother islam means peace and we say this we say this with a big smile on ourfaces especially when we're around non-muslims you know when you're around non-muslims things can actually getgets a bit heated sometimes you know it gets a bit tense so many muslims will tell you thatbrother islam means peace thinking this is appealing to peoplewhereas in reality islam does not mean peace never has meant peace never will meanpeace i'm not saying islam is not a peaceful religion don't get me wrong i'm not saying this but the word islamand this is the problem if the very definition of my deen i'm getting it wrong what does it say about the rest ofit if i have a wrong understanding of the very name of my faithyou understand why a lot of us are confused so let's go to the very very beginning what does islam meanwho's going to help me out tonight the word islam meanssubmission tonight's lesson is for muslims and non-muslimsislam means submission [Music] to who to whatto my desire to my dad to the area to social normspressures peer pressure submission to who to whatyou as a muslim you need to understand that this islam means submissionto what to do to allah so islam means submissionto who to what to allah and his prophet and my dadand my mom and the area and the boys to who to allah and his prophetonly [Music] periodislam is submission how much submission 1050 80 percent when i like itwhen it suits me when it feels right when it's acceptable in my communitywhen and how much allah says allcompletely islam is submission full submission complete submission towho to what to allah and his prophet only does allah lead meno does allah leave my salah no does allah need my conviction in myfaith no does allah allah is free from anything and anyonewe have to understand tonight may seem a bit harsh but i don't intend on being ash but we need to understand becausesometimes we need to go back to basics does allah need anyone no does he needanything no so islam is submission completely fully to who to allah and his prophet who isthis allah and why do i have to submit to him who is this allah what is this allah andwhat do i have to submit to him allah azzawajal is the king the creatorof the heavens and the earth allah is the creator of all things that which you see and that which you don'the is the one who created all things the sustainer of all things the he is theall-seeing the all-hearing the all-knowing the old wise the all-powerful the almightywho is this allah allah is the creator of the heavens and the earth [Music]he is the one that knows what you and i don't know he sees what you and i don't see he's in control of all thingsnothing nothing escapes allah nothing [Music]he is in complete full control allah doesn't get tired allah doesn't get sleepy allah doesn't get restless allahdoesn't get bored allah never does allah not know what to dohe is in complete controlyou and i have accepted this allah this creator wehave accepted him to be the all-knowing almighty all-powerful this is allah thecreator of the heavens and the earth's he created menow i have submitted completely and fully tohim this is islam abc's we're trying to keepit simple tonight keep things simpleand i'm going to come back to non-muslims because you and i sometimes in trying to convince the non-muslimwe skip the very basics of islam [Music]if you have not established allah with the non-muslim that you're talking toanything you speak to them about after it's it's really it's insignificant it doesn't matter anymore because the veryessence you've missed [Music] so islam is submission completely andfully to allah the creator of all things to allah and his prophet not because wesimply like his prophet not because his prophet happened to be an arab and most of us no no no nohe's prophet because he chose his prophetand it's not just rasulullah simply because you know what we have a liking towards him nono no no why rasulullah why him him because allah told me himdoes that make sense him because allah chose him [Music]islam is submission those people that submitthose people that submit they're called whatmuslims be with me those people that have submittedcompletely and fully to allah and his prophet what's their name they're muslimsmeaning he has submitted islam he's a muslim islam he submittedto who to allah and his prophet is that pretty clear so far yes it's not confusing so farso now it's pretty straightforward that islam means submission to who to what to align his prophet how much completelyand fully those people that submit to online is profit fully these people are calledmuslims now these people that submit to allah and his prophet fullythese people will find rest and peace and happiness and tranquility and andand and they will find all of this in their lives if they follow allah and hisprophet how allahdoes allah need me no [Music] can you force someone to be muslimno you can't allah makes it very clear in the quranthat there is no compulsion in religion you can't force people to be muslim you can't force peopleyou can't the hearts of people are in the hands of allah azzawajal and this is the problemthat when you force something onto someone if this person hasn't accepted allahit's going to be hard for him everything after this is going to struggle with it because he or she they themselves havenot yet accepted allah [Music] and the reality is is that if youhaven't accepted allah everything after this is difficultit's difficult so allah says there's no compulsion in religioncontrary to even what a lot of muslims believe does the whole world have to be muslimno did allah ever say the whole world has to be muslim no never diddid the prophet salallahu did he try to make everyone muslim no[Music] what was his job and the job of every believer after himthe job of every believer is to simply portray the message of islamto take the truth to every corner of the world if people acceptthey save themselves and inshallah they will save their families from hellfire and if people rejectif people reject having people rejected in the time of rasulallahnow if people reject does this mean we can't live with them does this mean we can't work with themdoes this mean we can't co-exist and that we can't get along [Music]never in the history of islam has this ever happened with the exception of mecca and medinamuslims have co-existed with non-muslims since the very beginning of islamso there's no compulsion in religion allah is not forcing anyone to be muslim allah is not forcing anyone to be muslimallah is not twisting rasulullah no one is twisting anyone's hand to be muslimwhy am i focusing on this so much why why am i insisting on this because you and i as muslims need tounderstand that number one allah doesn't need me number two i wasn't forced to be muslimislam is a decision that who made i madeyou made islam is a decision that i've made allah azzawajal he is the king heis the creator he is the all-knowing all-seeing and this allah has sent me aprophet to teach me and show me what he wants when he wants it how he wants it [Music]now me and you you and i we've accepted that look really at the end of the daybro and the simple things i can't get it right simple simple things i can't get it righti've accepted allah as my creator i know i know that he's the creator of all thingsanything that comes from allah now anything that comes from allahis a good or bad [Music]i know it seems like simple questions but one la you have no idea what'shappening outside man forget outside some of us even in our own heartsmy brothers allah is he pure or nothe might think why is he asked because we need to renew our faith in allahallah is only pure and he only accepts that which is pureallah is only pure and he only accepts that which isdoes allah know pure does allah know all things or notdoes allah contradict himself my brothersdoes allah make mistakes the one that created the heavens and the earth and the stars and all that doesthis creator that created this majestic world does he make mistakesdoes allah get things wrong does allah overlook things [Music]so now when allah brings down a sharia when allah brings down a set of rules do's and don'ts and haram's rights andwrongs limits and boundaries does allah make mistakes in himwhen allah sends this down to humanity is this from his anger or from his lovewhich one is it [Music] it's from his wisdomfrom his love that allah wants this believer to prosper in this world and in thehereafter so allah didn't leave the human being to wander around suss thingsout while i try tastesee how you go no no no allah from his infinite rahman wisdom and mercy he didn't allow themuslim you know he didn't allow the the human being to just wander around no no allah from his rahman he sent downprophets and messengers and he sent them a book and guidance of do's and don'tsand in this book in this guidance of do's and don'ts it's perfectionnot because i like it not because everyone in the area says soit's perfection because it came from the one that is perfect allah doesn't make mistakesallah doesn't make mistakes now where am i going with all thismy brothers and sisters it is very important to understand that when it comes to ourdeen when it comes to our islam when it comes to our shariaallah is not interested in your thoughts and your opinions and my thoughts and my opinionbecause this is not islam this is not submissionas a muslim i submit completely and fully to allah and his prophet and hisdeen and my job and your job after accepting allah to be who he isto submit and submit fullythis then is not open for negotiation [Music] this dean is not open for your thoughtsand my thoughts please please stay with methis dean my brothers and sisters is not never has been and benever will be a topic that is open for discussionbecause then this is not islam call that anything else but please for the love ofallah don't call it islam because you're confusing yourself and you're confusing othersislam has already been complete and perfected by allah to his prophettoday i have perfected and completed your deen[Music]this is on his hajj his farewell he towards the end of his life his prophethood is coming to an end his lifeis coming to an end 23 years of quran coming down revelations i had a hadithin 23 years jibril coming up and down up and down barrels divorces ins and outs andlearning and teaching for 23 years now he does hajj at the last year of hislife things are now coming to an end they're coming to a closure he feels it they'refeeling it and even the ayat of quran are also starting to seal it off [Music]now allah speaking to rasulallah and the believers who the muslims who'sthe muslim the one that submitted to who to allah and his prophet fully allah speaking to themtoday i have perfected your religion i have completed it i have bestowed mybounties and my blessings upon you and i have chosen islamas my way and my path [Music]islam as my way and my path if you don't like itthat's fine find something else [Music]find something else but how can you say that because this isallah's dean and there is no room in allah's deen not for meor a million like me not only to come and play but to even have an opinionallah's not interested in your opinion [Music] this is my deen this is my way this ismy path this is my book this is my prophet you cannot no matter how hard you try nomatter how hard you argue you cannot enter islam so you cannot enter paradiseexcept through these two he sallallahu alaihi salam again when he was leaving he looks at the companions and he saysto them i leave you with two things two things look many things will come inyour life speak to the sahabas imagine us many things will come trials and tribulations and fit themwill come and differences and confusion will definitely be therewhat's the solution he says i leave you with two things so long as you hold on to these twoso long as you hold on not you disgust them not allah you talk about them not onelike you know now now today didn't forgive me my brothers then has become whateven amongst religious i hate the word religious because really who's religiousreally actually who determines who's religious tell me have you ever noticed thatwho determines who's religious tell me whoso so so even amongst religious brothers dean has becometell me tommy let's become a conversation now brother's sitting on the diningtable family is sitting at dinner talking about dinner like it's whatwhat life is speaking about dealing like it's the footy now these guys you sit and then he'll speak about deanlike dean is based on how he feels what are your thoughtswhat do you think bro nah you know what wallahi man but i don't think that's rightwhen you say that i don't think that's you know that no i don't think that's right what's that based onplease please for the love of allah again just between you and yourself honestlywhen you say to me brother i don't think that's right what's that based on browhat is it thoughts feelings what what is it is it just the vibewhat is it [Music]this is now the deal of allah thoughts and feelingswe're sitting down at the cafe let's speak about then let's speak about differences of opinionlet's speak about is this islam[Music] thoughts and feelingshe says i leave you with two things so long as you hang on to them so longas you grab on to them his words not mine sallallahu alaihi he says you will never go astray nevernever he says i leave you with the quran and my familyalbeit and another narration a weaker narration he says i leave you with the quranand my sunnah and his family is on the sunnay and what's his family on some other deenhe says so long as you hang on to them you will never go astraymy brothers and sisters understand something very deeply the deen of allah the science of islamis not like the science of anything else you see any other science with theexception of islam it only gets better and it strengthenswith time knowledge science new research new materials newinstruments doors open technology accept the only exceptionis the deen and the science of islam the deen and the science of islam onlyweakens with time the less men in the narrationthe stronger it is the more you go back inthe more you go back those that were closer the more you go back the more pure the more authentic it isare you with me have i lost you now what what's i see some faces uh[Music] why am i saying all thiswhy is this all important why do muslims do what they do my brothersbecause now there's an attack on islam and the attackis not to make you leave islam it's more wakaningthe attack is to make you yes without islam[Music] to doubt not allah we've established god existsbut make you doubt [Music] the laws of allahwhy but why do we have to do this brother what uh why can't we do it like thisare you with me or not you with me why why brother like how comewhy did the prophet of allah say that sallallahu i said well how come but brother but nobut there's better ways around it [Music] is this islamis this submission what's allah looking for submissionto who to what to allah and his prophetallah wants the deen of rasulullah allah is not looking forinnovation allah is not looking for innovation allah is not looking for you know five six people to sit at a coffeetable and come up with this new amazing way of doing things allah is not looking for thatallah is looking for obedience submission to allah and his prophet to do exactlywhat the prophet did how he did it when he did it where he did it exactly likehim the closer you are to himallah is not looking for innovation allah is not looking for this world this youth ideaanything that's going to come to you after his prophet it's only shaytanit's only shaytan and he starts off amazing in the beginning but the end of that road is to take youaway from allah allah says in the quran[Music][Music] this is how you show allah lovewe need to understand my brothers that our deen our halals and our harams and our rightsand our wrongs are there because allah put them thereand that's where the conversation stops right there right theretoday muslims are falling all over themselves coming up with all these weird theories as to why we do what wedo and why we don't do the things that we don't do trying to appeal to the masses that's not your jobthat's not my job [Music] why is this halal because who made itbecause allah said it's halal and why is this haram whybe confused because allah said it's haram full stopfull stop that's where the conversation ends because if you try any other methodyou confuse yourself and you confuse others i'll give you an examplei love this example because almost like as if it comes off the production line and every muslim's gotit why is big haram [Music]actually just today i had a non-muslim in the car and he asked me the screwspig why is it haram i've heard the funniest thing frommuslims brotherand how much you boil it this worm it's like a bacteria and you can never get rid of it and this scientist[Music] and one here i'm just amazedwith the things that muslims say my brothers and sisters why is pig haramreally if you understood the very beginning of my talkit's haram because who said so do i need to know whyyou can that's fine it's no problem but me me do i need to know why allahhe knows what i don't know he knows well i don't know so when this allah so when allah azzawajal tells meto stay away from this is that because allah doesn't want me to have fun because allah doesn't want me to enjoymyself so when allah tells me stay away from this is that for my betterment or not is that for my success or notso why am i staying away from it because it has a bacteria in it because it's pink and its tail is likethat some some brothers think it's because of the tale [Music]and some brothers think because it looks like a you know because it's smart and because when it fell it fell on its face and that's why it's not the funniestthings i've heard the funniest the funniest things that why peak is hard on my brothersis that why we don't need pig you know what the problem is with thesearguments you know what the problem of these arguments isbecause unfortunately now science this fitna that we call science orlight's a big fitness [Music] science and scientists are slowlyreplacing online his prophet they're slowly replacing allah and his prophet in the eyes of many muslimsthe problem with these arguments is this is if i tell someone that look pig is haram it's prohibited because it has abacteria you can never get rid of it if this brother says to me mate what ifwe can come up with a pig that we put together in the lab and we can guarantee youthat there's no bacteria in it did you eat it but you said we don't eat it because ofthe bacteria [Music]can i eat if there's no bacteria in it if you take it to the lab or you take it to jahannam it's haram because allahsaid it's haram and that's where he endsi have submitted completely to god the lord almighty he told me stay away fromit so i stay away from it it's good this benefits it tastes amazing it's wormsdude bacteria doesn't matter to me my lord has told me stay away i stayaway why don't we eat it becauseallah said so and that's it [Music] that's really where the conversation endstoday this guy that i had in the car with me he said me you know like you guys don't need bacon ehi said to him because my lord has told me to stay away from it so stay away from ithe said is that all i said yeah that's all i said it's not cursed it's not likesome evil animal it's an animal like all the other animals it's a creation of allah in that sense we love and we andin that sense that it's a creation of allah he worships allah it has its role in the you yeah i meanit has its role but allah has told us to stay away from ithe said is that all i said that's all some guy once told me that hethat he did a sexual act in front of god so god cursed and did some muslims[Music] rightso that's that's that's it it's haram because allah said it's haramand that's really where the conversation ends that's really with it and you need tounderstand why do women cover up [Music] whybecause allah said so why do you fast the month of ramadanno because some scientist said that if you fast it does this amazing thing to your body andi'm sure there's a lot of amazing benefits through fasting there's no deny i'm sure there is but we do what we do becauseallah said so full stop full stopdon't fall all over yourself trying to convince and come up with this amazing theory you and i as muslims we do whatwe do because allah said so and we don't do what we don't do because allah azzawajal said so he knows what i don'tknow and my job as a muslim someone that has submitted completely to allah is tofollow and to obey and if i follow and i obey whether people like it or notyou will find happiness and success in this world and in the year after and you know what i find amazing mybrothers you know what i find amazing is sometimes when you say this to people nah brother not mei have to know [Music] again this is the door of shaytan nowlook brother and i have to know entire allah please sit down before you hurt yourselfwhen you accepted allah in the beginning you accepted him to be the all-knowingtrue or not the old saying the old way is all-powerful so when this allah sends mesomething he says to me don't do it i don't need to investigate after you can that's fine there's no problem in youfinding out the wisdom behind things that's fine but to question allahwhy did allah why why is allah doing this why did allah make this halal why did allah make thisharam habibi enter you and i what position are you in to do thatwhat position are you in to do that [Music]what position are we in [Music] and this same you know and again this iswhat i find interesting this same brother every single one of us we submit toanything and everything else except when it comes to the things i should be submitting to with my eyes closed i'llgive you an example most of us so that i don't fall in trouble most of us here now yeah when you go tothe doctor does anyone question the doctor do youyou don't generally speaking when you and i go to the doctor you know when i know heywhere he's from where he's been what he you have no ideayou got no clue you got a doctor but i don't know i walked in the guys wearing a suit andtie he's sitting behind the table and there's a certificate on the wall bro [Music] what else do you want from mewhat else do you want brother i walked in he was in a suit and a tie he was sitting on a nice desk he had a nice penand there's a certificate where the certificate is from who signed it does that university actually existyou got no idea nor did you check it nor did you do your background checkshow come you don't apply your logic here why do we pick and choosewhy is it when he came to my health i went to the doctor i sat down in front of him i told him what was wrong with meand then he scribbled something on a piece of paper have you ever seen a doctor's writing honestly have you ever seen itfor the life of me for the life of me you know had there not been printedwriting on your now what's the bottom what's the top you got no idea it's a scribble[Music] and he prescribes something to you you have no idea what he's talking abouthe's explaining it but you're like oh yeah and you're doing whatever you're doing your absolute best to not looklike a fool in front of him ah yeah but you've got no idea what he's on about bro and he's trying to tell youand he's trying to then he writes a prescription you take that prescription and then as you're leaving and you'regoing to the pharmacy well you're looking at this paper because you got no ideabut you are right with it you are right with it you are right with itthe guy is a doctor should have seen his tie they had cufflinks ongot some chat button he had cufflinks on so you know the guy but the guy's got moneythen you take your prescription as you're walking to the chemist you're looking at the prescription you think about what the hell is going on here manthen you walk into the pharmacy the only guy that's better than the doctor for me is the pharmacistbecause you know and i know the only thing that convinces you he's a pharmacist is whatis the white shirt if the guy serving you isn't wearing one[Music] pretend brother please can you call the guy in the backthen he comes he looks at that piece of paper that you've been looking at for half an hour you've got no idea what's going on he looks at it for barely amoment it was a scribble i hear a whathe goes he gives you a draga a drug he tells you yeah make sure you take these three times a day after a meal andand and you take it and you got no idea you got no ideanone of us ever looked at the back of the packet and said yeah but why does it have point two grams of oxalate what those words are well i got no ideayou don't question [Music] and you take it three times a day afteryour meals why because the doctor said so the doctor knows what i don't know andthat if i want to get better then you need to follow the doctor's orders [Music]throughout the whole process you didn't ask a single question you didn't raise a single eyebrowfrom one guy to another you're putting a foreign object a drug down your throatfollowed by water with yakin and conviction that this is good for mebut every time dick and harry wants to question allah as to why he did and why he did itcome on all of us now every person has an opinion and every person wants to question allahas to why he did and why he didn't but why is this like therefore brother convince me convince me brotheryour argument isn't too convincing really reallyyou can't sort your own problems out if i was to tell you pick a number between one and ten you wouldn't even know fromwhich part of the brain that came from but you have the audacity to question allah azzawajal as to why he did and whyhe didn't and why still you have the audacity of going around promoting that you're amuslim people i don't know what islam you're talking about because going back to the beginning of my talkthat's not islam islam is complete and full submission to allah completeallah is not interested in your thoughts and my thoughts allah is not interested in your feelings and my feelingsallah is not interested in the opinion and the flow of allah what's out on the street public perception happy believethat to democracy that's not to islam the dead of allah is completeit's not open for negotiation you want to make up your own rules finebut don't call it islam don't twist and play with the deal of allah to make it you know fit your wingsand your desires it's not how it works that's not islam that's your own version of eventsislam is what allah and his prophet wantswe need to understand my brothers and sisters because today is an attack on your akita it's an attack on your faithmaking you doubt and making you question your own faith muslims forget about muslims well inmuslims people white are you sure are you sure brotheryeah but that doesn't seem right what that doesn't sound fair wowfair and who made you in the measuring stick affair [Music]since when were you and i the ones who determine what's fairlet me share this one a in the quran and please give me your undivided attention please wallahi i i i ask allah that the lord ofthis verse enters your hearts and that you and i both understandthat this topic that i've been insisting on is so so important for your faith you have noidea [Music]when he was speaking to rasulullah and please stay with meallah when he was speaking to rasulullah in surat and he said this is our faithmy brothers when i say i'm muslim then it means i've submitted fullynot every time something comes up yeah look you know what we all need to sit down and discusswe need to discuss what does allah say in the quran allah speaking to rasulallahand who was he surrounded with who was the prophet of allah surrounded withhe was surrounded by those people whom allah praised them in the quran for whatquality what was the quality allah praised him in the quran forpaulu [Music] what did the companions saythey say we he and we obey what we're here and we questionnow we're here and wala let me dwell on it for a little bit no one like yeah you know what look i heard but let me goback to the boys and see how they are no no no no carlosin the quran for this quality they hear as long as it's authentic it's fromallah and his prophet that it's the absolute truth we don't question so allah[Music][Music] allah starts off the verse[Music] allah takes an oath by himself wow whata way to start you know sometimes you meet someone[Music]my name is muhammad because relax slow down bro [Music]whoa whoa slow down are you with meallah speaking to us well i wish i had time [Music]quran you want to know why this topic is so important tonight because this is your deen this is yourakita with allah this is your faith allah says in the qurani swear by myself yeah rasulullah [Music] these companions these people will neverbelieve their faith will forever be incomplete[Music]these are not my thoughts and my opinions this is your allah speaking to you follow[Music]now allah says they will never believe their faith will forever be incompleteuntil they make you ya rasulullah the judgenot in some of their affairs not when they want not when they pickand choose allah says until they make you the judgein [Music] all of their affairs [Music]you want islam you go outside one light but people arelost people are confused i even amongst religious people one lahii don't even know like like where do you draw the line anymore [Music]until they make you the judge rasulullah in my brothers this is for you this istoday's talk today's khutbah please don't think about people outside think about yourself bro like this iswhy we're struggling why why are our marriages failing why you know why[Music] because the truth is allah is prophet i'm not the judge in all of our affairsthere's a judge in some of our affairs in the affairs that i like in the affairs of whether it'sgoing to suit me are you with meallah says until they make you your rasulallah the judge in all of their affairs did allah finishthe verse please wallahi i beg you saidgo home today or not just read the verse what an amazing verseuntil they make you the judge in all of their affairs [Music][Music] wow wownot only rasulallah are they to make you the judge in all of their affairs[Music] but they are to find no difficulty no hardship no bitternessin whatever your judgment is [Music]are you with me when allah and his prophet declare a matternot only are you supposed to take it allah no noallah wants more not only are you supposed to take it but you are supposed to feel no hardshipno bitterness in whatever the verdict is [Music]there's no yeah all right but no if this was the order of allah and hisprophet and this is the verdict of allah and his prophet then there is no bitternessdid allah finish it there who knows how the verse finishes off[Music]allah says not only do they have to love the verdict but we go back to the very beginning ofmy talk were you where you salimuallah says not only do they have to make you the judge not only do they have to accept whatever your verdict isnot only do they have to love your verdict but they are to submitfifty percent eighty percent how much my brothers[Music] full submission to allah[Music] this isan amazing verse in the quranwhat is it [Music]allah says in the quran please stay with me that it is unbefitting allah saysit is unbefitting for the believing men and the believing womanthat when allah and his prophet have declared a matterthat the believing man or woman should have should have an opinion on the issue[Music] whose wordsthe thing of allah is not a game my brothers the deal of allah is not a conversationit's not like the world cup where we sit down and we speak about this player and that player and this theme and that teambut the deen of allah is complete it's perfected my job and your job is to submit fullyplease take these words very carefully because i'm not going to open a lot of doors of fitna for some peoplei would just rather someone say to me lookthe deen of allah is perfect but i'm just weak i can't do this act of worshipi'm not giving you excuses but i would rather you say look the dean of allah is perfectbut i just can't do this currently right now but inshallah i'm working on itthen to twist and play with the dean of allah so that it suits your whims and your desires[Music] this deen is based on submissionobedience my brothers that when allah says jump we say whathow high and don't let this door of logic now but brother you know i'm thinking about it logicallyyou can use logic to establish allah indeed you can use logic if there's anon-muslim we say to the non-muslim that he can use his logic to establish the existence of godbut once you've done this once you've established the existence of god and you've established that allahazzawajal exists and that he has a book and he has a prophet we now tell you to put yourlogic where where do you put your logic happy we put it asidei'm not disrespecting it but in islam it's no longer logic it'ssubmission and abitalib says an amazing thing he saysif islam was based on logic then one would wipe under his sockand not wear not on top of it [Music]submission why do we make tawaf around the kaaba seven times anyone knowdoes anyone know [Music] because the scientists said that this star in this moon and that if you throwthe stone like this you eat alcohol if you use a boomerang [Music] you know how many brothers and sisterswell i'm not joking you know how many brothers and sisters [Music]don't even get to enjoy their hajj or their umrah he's looking at the kaabamoment in time moment like a milestone in your life [Music] brother why are they walking aroundanti-clockwise like why aren't they walking around the other way brobecause why is it seven times like why didn't they do it five [Music]submission habibullah just obey again there are some brothers and sons here my brother like this is very hardfor me so i'll give you guys an example when a woman when her husband dies or she has a divorcethey have a time where they call the actor basically what's the english translation about thatlike a cooling like yeah but it's not a cooling off period it's not like she was sure she was at a war zone or something to catch my breath but yeah and no it'sit's like basically that when a woman's husband dies oryeah or she wants to have a divorce there's if her husband dies it's four months and 10 daysand if she wants to have a divorce i think it's three cycles like three monthly cycleswhere she's not allowed to remarry she's not right like she has to be in seclusion she has to be in her homeright if i tell you how many times give upbut why four months and ten days what is this zolumbra what is thisoppression does allah press my brothersbut why why four months and 10 day why does she have to wait three monthswhy is it three periods why and then brothers no brother because some scientists said and actu actuallythis is a real this is a real study that i came across i found it interesting interesting but i'll leave it therei'll leave it there i actually found it quite interesting that when a man and a womaninterchange fluids right when they're intimate fluids interchangeapparently that the that the male's fluids leaves like a pattern it leaves like atrace within a woman and scientists say genuinely scientists saythat it can take up to three months for the trace of that fluid todisappear now that's interesting but is that why women have to wait three monthsis it why do they have to wait three months and if their sister knew what was goodfor her she would what she would wait to three months some others say so then the sistersometimes she should get smart brother i haven't slept with my husband in six monthsso i already know that law doesn't apply to me[Music]you may be an exception but that's not how shariah works when allah brings down the law itapplies to everyone so even if you haven't been intimate with your partner with yourhusband uh you still have to wait the three months about why that's stupidwatch watch watch one more here i'm actually mentioning this for a reason uhsister when you're driving your car and you're on the road at three o'clock in the morningand there's no one on the road it's only you and you come to a red lightdo you stop or do you go brother what's that got to do with thequestion i'm asking you it's three o'clock in the morningthere's no one on the road i'm driving my car and i get to a red lightdo you stop or do you go [Music] are you confused bro well you guysdon't know traffic laws all of these guys go[Music] do you stop or do you gogenerally you stop [Music]but we don't want the generally brother because [Music]no you stop even though you're not a danger to anyone and no one is going to be harmedbut the law is the law stopand you have no problem stopping at the red light do you but i have problems with allah in hisbody [Music]whatever allah has said to us my brothers we do and whatever he's prohibited us from we stay away fromwhether we understand it or we don't understand it because we're muslims and we havesubmitted to allah fully now i'm ending trust me i'm ending it'sbeen long i'm ending this does not mean we can't question[Music] to understand the wisdom behind thingsbecause ibrahim alaihissalam he asked allah in the quran[Music]show me how you give life to the deadso what was the next question from allah the very first thing after the questionwhat was the first thing allah said to ibrahim [Music]the first thing allah says ibrahim ibrahim don't you believeare you questioning are you doubtingwhat did ibrahim say he says i believe fullyi don't doubt you at all but to strengthen my mani'm not doubting you i know you can do it but i want you to show me to strengthenmy faith in you then allah tells him grab the birds andtake him to the four hills and the mountains and one and call them and then so there's no problem in questioning tounderstand the wisdom behind something to strengthen your faithbut don't ever question allah this prophet don'tif it's authentic you know that it's pure it's only good for me allah willnever harm me no matter how difficult it is [Music]youAllListenableRelatedFrom Lectures From Mohamed HoblosRecently uploaded
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