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How the Prophet ﷺ Taught Hope | Dr. Omar Suleiman |
How the Prophet ﷺ Taught Hope | Dr. Omar Suleiman
I want to thank brother anas for the
generous uh welcome you know subhanallah this will be a
Lesson in in the qatar of allah
actually i met brother anas
By chance and very quickly i was at
a conference with him for american muslims for palestine
And he introduced he sat next to me
and introduced himself to me i was only there for three four hours i was on my
Actually to the the janazah of the
daughter of malcolm x at hajj medical marriage and
I told them oh you're from turkey i
said i'm going to be transiting through turkey i'm on my way to bosnia
insha'allah i'll
Be there for a day he said let me
host you this is how that all happened in a
Matter of uh less than two weeks
alhamdulillah so may allah bless you brother anas for
Uh your generosity and and may allah
reward all of you for coming out i've been university it's an absolute
Pleasure to be here at hamdini and
so i just appreciate all of you for making it out may allah reward you all
For breathing the rain to come here
tonight and allow that to be on your scale of
Good deeds the topic that i have is
A pretty common one but i want to
speak about it from a very specific perspective
How many of you have heard of the
incident of with the prophet saws
Okay how many of you have heard the
dra of life very famous
And so on will i complain to you of
my weakness my inability you've all heard that right
Famously translated uh relayed
narration through the books
Though it's not documented with the
scrutiny of a hadith but very famous
Transmission of the sentiment of the
prophet salallahu in that moment of life
But i want you to think about the
duras that you've never heard
Was the only person with the prophet
salallahu on that journey of thought that
Witnessed him walking covered in
blood with pebbles
In his shoes and what hurts more
Is the rejection more than the stones
to the face of the prophet sallam
The punches the blood were the
wounds that were caused to his
Heart and allah mentions that it
hurts you what they say this is the culmination
Thought of comes after a lot of
heartbreak thought comes after
The death of the people that would
console him i'm in it's called the year of grief the year of grief is when he
lost hadith
And he lost it compounded the hurt
that is yielded on the prophet sallallahu alaihi
Wasallam over time did not witness
the prophet saws after
It she saw the prophet's islam after
uh where the prophet saws from a physical
Perspective was wounded heavier than
he was in life
Physically the prophet saison almost
died in uh his teeth were knocked out
He had blood running down his face
he was carried on the shoulders of his companions
And she thought that was the worst day
of his life but instead the prophet saws mentioned that that was the worst day
His life it was thought when the
people degraded him mocked him humiliated him
And he is left to call upon allah
alone now subhanallah i think to myself
How amazing is it we actually don't
have a single narration about what the prophet saws was saying
Throughout the night as he made your
to allah he prayed all night after allah
Can you imagine the sincerity and
the depth of those words that were never narrated to us
That allah was hearing allah who is
more merciful to his creation than a mother
To her child hearing the most
beloved of his creation to him
Cry out to him in his lowest moment
think about where the dua of the prophet saws is reaching
In those moments think about how
that dua is probably shaking the heavens
And none of us heard it it's not
documented in the books but it's documented with allah
In the battle of badr the night
before badr you know one of my my favorite
Places to actually visit is badass
it's not like uh which is very close to the masjid of the prophet saws
It's about an hour and a half out of
medina it's very tranquil it is uh
The battlefield is intact and so you
can see exactly how it plays out in front of
You there's no streets cutting in
between you can see where the wells of bed that were still carved out
You can see where the enemy came
from it's all there is the masjid of the tent where the
Prophet saw son was camped out the
tent of the prophet saw islam was right there [music]
Says that the prophet saison spent
the entire night before badr in dua
Think about that the night before
bedr the prophet saws was supplicating
The entire night now all we have
from that
Is the end of it and it's when the
prophet saws sees quraish coming
So he's been praying the whole night
right i mean this is a very scary time this is the first time that
The muslims are going to come face
to face with quraish heavily armed
Outnumbering them with bad
intentions their intention is to wipe out the
Muslims once and for all to kill the
prophet slice on them and to kill each and every single one of his companions
And it seems like a sure shot when
they're coming so islam
Was meant to end right there in that
battlefield of badass there weren't muslims around the
World that would carry on islam that
was the only isaba the only group of people upon
La ilaha can you imagine all of the
people in one part of the earth
That's stunning right they're all
there and the prophet saw islam is with them
And narrates the moments when the
prophet saw some sees quraysh
Coming with their arrogance with
their sense of triumph before the battle even starts
And the prophet saison raises his
hands to the sky and he raises his hands so high
That the garment that is on his shoulder
sallallahu alaihi
His garment falls and he says
Oh allah the victory that you
promised me oh allah fulfilled to me what you
Promised to me o allah in isabel if
this group of people is killed
You're not going to be worshipped on
the earth after today you won't be worshipped on this earth or
Allah if this group of people is
killed and as he's doing that
Who picks up his garment his shawl
and he puts it around his shoulder he says
Enough messenger of allah your lord
will give you what he promised you
And the prophet saws puts it back on
and he recites
That they will be defeated and they
will turn back on their heels their animals and everything they came
With will turn back in the direction
of mecca that they came from with such confidence
Almost to where the naked eye would
see it as a contradiction if you looked at the prophet saws at
That moment you might think that
maybe there's doubt
There was no doubt but the naked eye
might look at him and say the way he's making dura right now
Looks like a person who is very
desperate who's in doubt
The words that he's saying seem to
indicate a fear in his words and this is very
Powerful because the scholars say
the prophet saws was making dua throughout the entire night we don't
Know those we haven't heard them
they say that that part of his dua
Was actually a teaching moment for
the companions about how to make dura
Like a mischief like a person who is
destitute like a person who is completely in need
Of allah subhanahu the supplication
of the poor and the
Oppressed look at the prophet of
allah a man who receives divine revelation
And look how he pleads with his lord
and that was the moment that allah
Said when you called out to your lord
Pleaded with your lord and allah
answered you and that's when allah in the thousands the thousands of
Angels came down from the skies from
the heavens to support the prophet sallam and his
Army so it was a teaching moment to
the companions of the prophet of allah
That is what the ayah indicates
Do you think that you will enter
into paradise
And then you hear about those that
came before you alba
Sickness all sorts of sicknesses
break out amongst them
And they were shook what is that
referring to fear and anxiety
So they're struck in their material
means they're struck in their physical bodies and they are struck in what
With their anxiety they're struck
with their fear until hat
Until the messenger of allah and
those that believed with him said
When is the help of allah coming the
help of allah is close to you it is
Near now as a scholar say when is
the help of allah
Could be a form of praiseworthy dura
or a form of hated questioning
When the prophet says it it is not
questioning allah's ability
It is reaffirming that nasrul that
the help of allah is near
It is not a question of if it is a
question of when it is not a question of allah's
Capability it's a question of have
we done enough to deserve his help just yet
Have we done our part to qualify for
the nusra of allah to qualify for
The help of allah subhanahu ta'ala
subhanallah if i'm a companion
Watching the prophet saws what is
Well what did it do it immediately
translated into the angels coming down from the heavens in a
Way that even the companions could
see so it gave them a form of a form of firmness
And they realized the prophet of
allah was teaching them about what it's like to plead to allah
And desperation we will one day see
the prophet's license and make dua
We will one day see the prophet
slice and make dura can anyone tell me when
The day of judgment when the people
have been gathered
The first of them and the last of
them the human of them and the jinn of them
Every single human being that has
walked the face of the earth from adam alaihissalam
Until the last person on this earth
gathered in in the place of assembly what an awesome
Site awesome not in the sense that
it is something that we would look forward to
But awesome in that it inspires a
sense of awe and the greatness of allah over his creation
All flat earth one plain white land
no landmarks no signposts no
Distinguishing features to any human
being except for those who allah has praised
And you look to the angels and how
are the angels described [music]
The angels lined up in rows and they
don't speak
Everyone is looking for something to
The day of judgment and the words of
the prophets and everyone that day is what deficiency
Everyone's worried about themselves
and the people start going to the prophets of allah
They go to these prophets of allah
asking for intercession until they come to the prophet saws
And the prophet salla says it is for
me and he says
I will ask permission to enter upon
my lord and i will enter and i'll fall in sajdah
Prostration the entirety of mankind
is watching the prophet of allah
I want to see your lips move when i
the entirety of the creation is watching
This man and placing its hopes in
him and he enters into the presence of his
Lord and sajdah and what does he say
sallallahu alaihi wasallam it's really powerful he says
That allah will inspire in me
Words of praise words of glory
Words that will be inspired to me
that have never been inspired to anyone before me meaning there's a dua that
Going to make there that even i
don't know yet how allah think about that even the
Prophet of allah islam is not sure
yet what that dua is actually going to be
But allah gave adam islam the words
when adam islam fell from the heavens
Allah look how merciful allah is
allah gave
Him the words to seek forgiveness
and that's when he called out to allah
If you don't forgive us and have
mercy upon us then we're going to be from the losers allah gave him those words
Words of repentance and here the
greatest son of adam is and the entirety of the children of adam
Depending on this dua and the
prophet saws doesn't know what he's going to say yet but he knows that allah
will give him
Words to say that will initiate
The entirety of the day of judgment
allah will tell him raise your head o prophet of allah
Ask and you will be given intercede
and your intercession will be accepted subhanallah what an
Awesome sight may allah allow us to
be amongst those standing behind our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam on that
May allah grant us a special
intercession of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam on that day
But those words we won't know even
he does not know
There are those words that you say
to allah with the utmost sincerity
And the most beloved of your duas to
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala are those supplications
That are made completely affirming
his perfection
And affirming your own brokenness
before him
And you are the most merciful of
those who show mercy say subhan allah ayuba islam he
Minimized his pain he maximized the
mercy of allah even after 18 years
Of living under horrific torture
okay subhan allah all of that time
And he calls upon allah says i've
been struck by a hardship
And you are the most merciful of
those who show mercy and allah opens up the doors for you
In ways that he has never seen
before the topic
Is how do you see light in times of
great darkness how do you find hope
In times of great despair and for
many of us when we think about the light at the end
Of the tunnel we spend so much time
trying to find the light at the end of the tunnel that we forget to focus on
The one who gives light allah that
the point of getting through hardship
Is not that you can rationalize a
way out sometimes when you're going through something individually
The only time you find some peace or
contentment is when you can actually think of the way out you actually can
think about what allah is going to give
You afterwards and you can see a
path forward and that's when you start to feel goodness not realizing that the point
is to focus
On who allah himself to focus on the
giver of light to focus on the giver of mercy to focus on the
One who relieves all distress in
those moments and that is a form of beauty that's
Number one keeping your focus on
allah number two and this is something that
I think a lot of us make a mistake
sometimes when we're thinking about the collective
The community and the plans that we
make for goodness
In this life and the things we hope
to do for the sake of allah
A lot of times we get obsessed with
the results of our own efforts we get obsessed with seeing goodness
Come to be in our own lives
Do you think you'll enter into paradise
allah answers with what all of the hardships of this
World and people seeking relief in
this world not with
The reasons by which a person enters
into jannah because the focus should be on jannah
The entire time the focus should be
on the reward of allah not the success of your results
The focus should be on the reward of
allah not the success of your results and a lot of times we mix up the two
We get so focused on seeing victory
seeing our efforts come to fruition
That we forget that at the end of
the day allah is the one who is going to bless or deprive
Allah will give on his time and what
i need to be focused on is the
Sincerity of my intention and the
pursuit of his reward and that's not going to translate into a
Lack of effort in fact it will give
me resilience of my efforts of good because i trust that the efforts are
Never really in my hands and so i
put and i put and i put into
Those efforts knowing that allah may
give fruit to this effort
After i pass away it might not come
to fruition in my lifetime
How many people inspired the world
but never got to live to see the inspiration that they put into this world
Can you imagine never live to see
the legislation of salah
Imagine if the prophet saw some
could have come down from islam and went to khadija
And told khadija about what happened
in the raj khadijah did not get to make hidra she
Died in mecca before all of them a
woman of perfect iman never lived to see
It's incredible she didn't see it
all of this was foreign to her because
Allah wa ta'ala took her before all
of that even happened but it's there
Think about the anvia of allah the
prophets of allah in one narration the prophet saw some mention 124 000
A hundred twenty four thousand
prophets some of those prophets we know and we know about the hard time that
They had averaged
Less than a convert per decade think
about that
The if you take the entirety of
islam's followers and you spread them out over 950 years 80 followers in one
Over 950 years that means it's less
than a convert per decade
And along the way lots of mockery
and humiliation and look what allah subhanahu ta'ala
Makes of new hade the first
messenger of allah that will be called on the day of judgement and
The umm of saison steps in to
testify on his behalf the first messenger of allah
Called on the day of judgment is
allah and the entire ummah of muhammad said some reciting surat
Steps in and says that this prophet
did his job we are a testimony
To the job of nu hadi islam to his
people he did his job
Imagine islam seeing this entire
ummah of people standing on his behalf in the courtroom
Of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala islam
did his job and there are prophets you know the prophet saw some describe the
ambiya of
Allah like a house he is the last
brick sallallahu there are prophets
Who left this earth with one
follower prophets
Who left this earth with no followers
a nebby of allah
A prophet of allah with his miracles
and not a single person to accept his
Message but he's still part of the
house and that's the point
Allah decides how to build the house
not you you do as you're told
And allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
bring something out of it even if it is in ways that you cannot comprehend or
Understand and so focus on his
reward not your results
Focus on his reward not your result
many great people walked this earth and put seeds in it
And even those that were growing did
not recognize who planted the initial seeds but allah
Allah will document every footstep
allah will document every deed put forward allah will document the legacies
And allah will compensate
accordingly it's there but focus on his reward not
Your results you have to let that go
the next thing is to focus
On the planner not your plan
sometimes you plan
And allah plans and sometimes your
plans don't work out
As long as you are sincere in your
intention and doing your best
Allah will make something out of it
it goes back to a very personal level where um
Who talked about dua you know the
prophet saws said that allah will answer the dua of a person
Until they say what allah will
answer your du'a until you say what
Anyone know
I made dura and allah did not answer
me that's when it's closed allah will answer your drags until you
Shut the door of your own dua yes
he'll answer it in ways sometimes that you can't understand but he will
Keep on answering your du'a if you
make a hundred to ask for the same thing and you can't you have not seen the
Of a single one of them allah has
answered all 100 of them in ways that you cannot understand
Until you say i made dura and allah
did not answer me
Then you take out the ability or the
efficacy of your own dua
By your questioning the one who
you're making dua to don't question the planner don't question the designer
allah knows
What he's doing and so you make your
heart and the last thing your brothers and sisters
The ability of the prophet saws to
see good and the hardest of times
Sometimes there are things that are
happening around us that are
Good omens for us to to say
alhamdulillah for how many of you have heard of iman suraj
Wahaj you see all right imam siraj
An amazing human being an imam in
the united states really a pioneer
Has done much work may allah
preserve him and bless him and accept from him and i remember
Being at a fundraiser with him
recently you know our generation of muslims we're down on
Everything we talk about how bad the
community is we talk about how no one's doing anything right all organizations
Failing all the few are corrupt
everyone is horrible and at the end of
The day you know what that gives us
it gives us an excuse to not do anything an excuse for my idolness is to
Every good effort cast doubt on
every good effort and say it's all for nothing and these people
Are all fake and everyone is this
and everyone is that and what does that do it gives me a sense of complacency and
Sense of of meaning and purpose
because i'm the only one tweeting i'm the one that's doing all the you
Know i'm setting the record straight
so you do your jihad on your keyboard
And everybody else's mujahada is for
bottle it's for falsehood but your jihad on your keyboard masha allah
Right we have we have this this this
a bit this tendency to just keep on you know
Just throwing negative uh things
towards everything right and sometimes it's a lot less nefarious than that i
Sometimes it's pessimistic about
everything someone starts something good and you say this is going to fail
No way they'll be able to overcome
this as subhanallah there are naysayers in every situation even in the quran
Like think about if you were with
the people of musa gets to the water
Think about the pressure on musa
he's got his whole ummah with him the most ruthless army in the world is
Right behind him on his tail the
people looking at
Like what are you going to do now
we're dead right we've seen
Cut people into pieces over and over
and over again we're done right and what did
They say they start to blame him
they caught us where is your god now what's going to
Happen now like like he needed that
at that moment right he didn't need that at that moment
And of course there were some believers
amongst many islami that might have been shook by those words
But what did allah give him allah
gave him the staff split the seas for him
The naysayers they rode along they
took the opening but the reward was only assured for
Those who had certainty throughout
it the dunya we opening the worldly opening
Everyone benefited from you know
it's a the term is bandwagoning in in america
At least right they jumped on the
bandwagon at that point when the success is happening everybody can ride along
But there were some that were
walking through the season saying masha'allah probably patting musa islam on
the back and saying good job we never doubted you
But a minute ago we're saying what
we're done can't you see what's happening now
But now masha'allah in handa in
khanda with the prophet saw salam
And the believers that were digging
the ditch there were some that were not really digging
Right some of them were they were
hypocrites they were pretending to be amongst them
And they weren't really digging you
had some that were digging masha'allah right there's a difference in the
digging now
If you if you walked up to them in
those moments you see them all you know with something in their hands
The prophet saws dug by himself by
the way more than what 10 people would dig
It's one of my proudest moments of
the prophet saws who describes me so i saw the prophet
Saw some rise up from the ditch and
the prophet saws every part of his skin was covered in mud
What a beautiful prophet like what a
leader right what a say you to his home what a leader
Of his people he was in the trenches
literally to where not a single part of
His blessed skin showed sallallahu from
the amount of work that he was doing
And the ansar and the muhajireen are
singing these songs
And the prophet saws looks at them
and says oh allah there is no life except for the life of the hereafter
So forgive the ansar and the these
young people that gave it all in but you know what you know what those
hypocrites were
Saying [music] allah and his prophet
have not promised
Us except delusion we're done why
are you people happy why are you
Singing these songs of motivation
why are you making you out why are you digging so hard we already know they're
going to find a way to massacre us we're
Never going to build this trench in
time but you better believe that after the success of the honda
Some of those people came for it
then we're high fiving each other right we did it you didn't do anything
You rode along at the end and then
you waited for the next moment so that you could show your hypocrisy but
Wrote at the time of success the
prophet saws
Subhanallah like it's one of my
favorite moments because it's like those subtle things about the prophet saws
I always thought good always saw
good so
By the way is one of my favorite
companions because his story
Is an exception to the majority of
the those who became muslim last
He really he he really has an almost
strange phenomenon if any of you watched the first
Watch the lecture that we did about
very interesting person i mean
Two decades of oppressing the
prophet saw islam but then when he became muslim he resembled the muhajiri
Interesting person and died as a
It's the last person you want to see
when the prophet saws the meaning of the
Word suh is ease rasulullah saison
smiled and he said
Our affair has become easy allah
therefore things are going to be
Sahad like he even saw good are in
the name
Of the chief negotiator that there
is something to be happy about that allah is sending us signs
Of goodness to come as he sends to
That's special that's the eye of
prophetic optimism
To see hope and to expand it to see
hope and to expand it in difficult times
I think i forgot to tell you the
imam saraj story didn't i i just realized that i went from imam saraj and then
Started talking isla and i forgot
about imam saraj imam i was sitting with him
And he literally i was sitting next
to him he taught me on the table he said omar i never thought in my
Lifetime i'd see banners about islam
on the subway system
And thousands of massages in america
because he lived in a time in america
Where they had less than 100 masjids
and the public knew very little of islam
And he was just bragging about where
islam has come and subhanallah i remember right before
He said that to me i was thinking
about something negative about the state of our community and
He's just so optimistic so happy and
i'm like what a man what a beautiful eye to have
The prophet saws had that prophetic
eye and when we think about good you know seeing goodness even in
The midst of a very hard time seeing
light even in the midst of darkness
Those who say the people have no
hope in them is the most hopeless of them all is the most hopeless of them all
Is the one who is making them all
hopeless you know when the naysayer in the group
Deflates everybody don't be that
person don't be that person
Something good is happening and
immediately you point out the flaws of it don't be that person
You see something or someone
imperfect see the good and make that allah expand
It don't put it down don't put it
down because pessimists make pessimists
They deflate dreams and they stop
great people from being great sometimes or they stop people from
Following great people right because
they get in the way with very convenient barriers of
Negativity if you're a pessimist
most of the time you're going to be right most of the time you're going to be
Right you know it's really nice see
i told you so i knew right away that thing was gonna fail
I knew this was gonna happen good
for you now what good are you doing nothing
Next person that tries to do good
odds this this this is why it's going to fail then when it fails masha allah you're
Able to offer your commentary and
portray yourself as a wise man or a wise woman you're not wise
You're just really really unpleasant
to be around that's not wisdom that's not hikmah to be able to see
Error and to bring it down or to be
able to predict failure because most efforts will fail
Proportionally speaking most of the
time efforts are not going to materialize
But allah teaches us why
If you are grateful i will increase
you that equation is true for everything
Including light in the time of darkness
in your personal life
When you have a million reasons to
complain but one reason to be grateful and you
Say alhamdulillah for the one reason
allah will increase it and put in the perspective
The million reasons to complain and
in regards to our diva and our
Efforts and the things that bidding
we hope to do for his sake so long as we
Hope to do it for his sake
alhamdulillah look where it's coming
There was a time where this
gathering was not possible alhamdulillah for this gathering
Despite all of the forces that try
to do what yuri duna
They wish to extinguish the light of
allah with their mounts
They can grow their media outlets
they can get more exquisite and specific
In their arguments against islam
they can get better at skewing and misinterpreting and
Decontextualizing they can get more
advanced in messing with your minds with the imagery
That they are able to use they wish
to extinguish the light of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
But who's going to preserve allah's
light it's not you and i wa
Allah will preserve his light allah
will preserve his light even if they hate it allah will preserve his
Light we just hope that allah will
let us carry those torches
We don't like the torches we don't
make the light happen we just say alhamdulillah when allah
Gives us one allah gave me a candle
allah gave me a light kem did it after that
Let allah expand that light we know
that the design of the designer
Will come to be here's the the
blessing of where we're at this ummah will never die
Islam will not be extinguished the
muslims will not be wiped out
The end of times is victory from
At no point should we ever feel like
allah has lost control of this affair it's never
Happened and it never will happen
allah is in control during the time of the crusades
And allah is in control during the
most glorious days of islam allah is in control in mecca allah is in
Control in madinah allah is in
control in habasha allah was in control in the year 610
Allah was in control in 623 when it
looked entirely different allah did not
Lose a grip of things at any point
but as believers
Just remember these two things focus
on his reward not your results
Focus on his reward not your result
focus on
The planner not your plans may allah
allow us to always see the
Light and darkness may allah allow
us to be the light in darkness may allah forgive us for our
Shortcomings may allah forgive us
when we question him may allah forgive us when we are insincere to him
May allah direct all of our efforts
to be sincere for him all of our longing to
Be towards him and may allah make us
amongst those who make our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam proud
Ya allah we ask you to make us
amongst those that make our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam proud
Ya allah allow this gathering to be
one that is pleasing to you let all of us who came be forgiven
Let the sins be departed from us and
write us amongst those who you are
Pleased with we ask you oh allah to
open up the doors for us in our personal lives and in our community lives
We ask you a lot to lift the
hardship from your ummah we ask you o allah to put barakah in our
Efforts to please you and we ask you
o allah that all of it materializes
In your reward of jannatul dose from
the companionship of our beloved messenger
Muhammad [applause]
Okay thank you very much uh dr omar
for this wonderful speech we would love to hear until morning i mean i was like
Just you know listening and then i
watched at the time and was almost one hour and uh was so
You all agree with me was so you
know fast it went like anything so thank you very much again for this
Wonderful speech now we have a q a
but i would like to ask
You from now we would rather not to
have comments we have questions that not
Have more than 30 seconds please if
you have questions
Go directly to the topic maintaining
hope in dark times and ask the the
Question directly so we can have as
much as questions we have in china
All right we have a question here
all right go ahead
[music] um i'm just wondering especially
Mental health in islam it's coming
up a lot more um there also seems to be a lot of spiritual bypassing you know
Um i think you know what i'm talking
about in terms of you know how strongly man pray that type of thing
So i'm just wondering in terms of
maintaining open dark times what's the balance between tying your camera
Tying your camel trusting allah and
especially for those who are suffering from mental health illnesses
Or dark really dark times [music]
for the question
[music] first of all yes there's a
lot of spiritual bypassing
Um one of the things that we're
we're blessed to have at japin alhamdulillah i mean is we have on our research
Mental health specialists as well as
scholars of the tradition and uh the trauma series at japin is
Something i've personally benefited
from a lot so it was actually a research that i mean that research was
And for a year you had sisters who
are mental health professionals working with
Islamic scholars to produce a series
of papers that are now being compiled into a book alhamdulillah
There are some videos that accompany
it as well the trauma series and uh
To answer your question there is
spiritual bypassing however spirituality is part of the healing
Process in all situations but at the
same time we shouldn't discount the role of mental
Health where it becomes most harmful
is when a person is facing depression and they're told that it's because you
Have faith where they equate
depression with low iman and the reality is that it's a far more
Complex matter of course and there's
a lot that's happened over the last couple of years in particular
That i think requires us to to
refocus so i would say that it's important for
Us to incorporate that component of
mental health and at the same time i would say that it's important for us to
always keep
Islam as a part of our mental health
faith as a part of the healing as a part of our mental health
Even while we consider the
physiological elements of ourselves our emotional elements our mental elements
Spiritual elements our physical
elements that islam is always a part of it and inshallah that will help us to
Have a more wholesome response to it
but to those that may be struggling uh with depression
To seek help or to seek a cure for
your anxiety for your depression
So that you can be more able a more
able servant of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and a better version of yourself is
Ibadah it's an act of worship a lot
of people would think it's a weakness when i have to seek help
And try to overcome whatever it is
that i'm facing at the moment but the reality is is that when you do
That for an intention to please
allah to be the best version of yourself then that in and of itself insha'allah
is a
Form of ibaad it's a form of worship
and certainly not anything that would be displeasing to allah
Uh firstly welcome to our university
your home and i will i would like to say you jump
In the stories of bakara there is
Gives us that permission that i will
not give you any difficulties about which
You cannot do but at the same time
we pray uh why my dear allah please don't give me uh
The difficulties which i cannot do
why uh is there any uh contra contrary or
Something like that i want to see
exactly a very good question actually
Um in the end of surat al-baqarah la
Beyond its scope and then you ask
allah o my lord do not burden me
Beyond my scope and in the way that
people before us were burdened first and foremost even the sahabah had
This question yeah they were afraid
when they heard in matthew and fusikum
They were afraid of the verse that
if you conceal it within yourself or if you express it allah will hold you
Accountable for it so some of the
sahaba they feared ya rasulullah will even be accountable for our thoughts and
The prophet saws said allah has
forgiven my ummah for what a person says to themselves
As long as a person does not
verbalize it or act upon it so something that may arise on the inside
You will not be accountable for it
then the ayah here la you killed
I think it's important to break down
um what the immediate implications of the eye are there's a wide implication
That you will not be burdened beyond
your scope and a lot of times you don't understand your scope
Until you're pushed you know i'm not
going to say how many of you lift weights because everyone's going to say you
exercise and lift
Weights you know all the guys are
going to raise their hands and their arms are popping out of their uh their
clothes but
You know if anyone has lifted
weights before like i don't smush online always lifting away sir
[music] [laughter] when you lift
weights um you don't know your capacity until
You keep pushing yourself and a lot
expands your capacity that's the physical self spiritual self is very similar
to that
Actually when you start praying
piamole praying with it is a burden
Praying with it is a burden then you
add two racquets to that and maybe the first time you know
That's okay you're starting but your
capacity is expanding when you're tested and tried
There are times and i know that
there are people in here that have gone through tests that they thought they
would not get through but
Allah brought you through it didn't
he right and that's something important by the way
You know there it mentioned very
beautifully about zakariya um
I've never been deprived every time
i've called upon you oh allah before you've given it to me one of the say
Very beautiful he said that he asked
the one who showed him ahsan in the past to show essan to him again that's
You've known how much i've wanted
this child i'm 90 years old now did it have to wait until my hair became great
No he says i've never felt let down
by you oh allah so sometimes you're in the
Midst of a hardship and you can't
you think you're not going to make it through but then allah pulls you through
it so your scope expands your capacity
Expands so that's the certainly
there's a benefit to that but the immediate implications of the ayah
A kefara that is given to an oath
there is expiations that are given to
Broken oats there are you know
licenses concessions
For the one who is sick for the one
who is traveling in regards to fasting and other things for hajj
For only the one menace only the one
who can do so so the immediate implications are the tasir the
Ease in the sharia of muhammad salla
because it's the last sharia that was given to earth
It embeds the most ease so actually
if you compare the sharia of
Muhammad sallam to the shariah of
musa there is more ease more
So that's the immediate implication
that allah has made things easy for us and truly islam is not hard
Some people you know the religion is
easy the prophet saws some people say why is islam so
Hard why is islam so hard why it's
not really that hard you know imagine if we had to pray 50
Times a day imagine that right 50
times a day look at the day see it even in the
Legislation of the most important
practical pillar of islam salah 50 to 5 and then you're rewarded
For 50 when you pray five so that's
the immediate implication also in the muha
And how allah takes account of us
that allah does not burden us by punishing us
For things that we did not act upon
but things that may occur in the head okay so that's ease so that would make
The ayah is
Burden us with a burden that was
placed on those before us notice the ayah does
Not say don't overburden us like you
burden those before us because even those that came before were
Not overburdened allah did not give
to the to the people of musa islam an unreasonable sharia
Okay but our sharia is easier so
you're not saying don't over burden us like you
Overburdened those that came before
us you're saying don't burden us with the same burden of those that came before
Okay so it's even easier and we ask
allah that with iman and with yakin and
With certainty and faith that these
things even become easier for us to practice
Welcome to our university first of
all the other day i was in the class and
An email came uh dr uman i was like
i stopped the lesson and started looking at it and i
Told my students that guys register
for it you know it was very excited alhamdulillah that allah
Gave us this opportunity i had a
very um general and broad question but i just
Wanted to have a glimpse of your
ideas on it every time has its glitters and you know
Of battle and attractions and it was
there in the time of muhammad sallam too but what is
The basic syllabus that we need to
follow especially when we are preaching what we are telling
Things about our religion to
youngsters and children what is the basic that we need to follow ourselves
And teach it to our children thank
you that's a great question um
You know the last two hotma's that
i've given are actually on the subject by the way on seeing through deception
Distraction and the importance of
seeing through things so it's a thoughtful question um
The answer that i'll give will be
partial i think one of the the methods of tawa that we
Find from the prophet saws and from
the ambiya as a whole is they called attention
To the emptiness that the idols were
actually providing to their people
Yes oh my father why are you
worshiping that
Which does not see hear or benefit
you in any way
She was it was was embedded in the
call of the prophet of allah these idols are not doing anything for
You and the thing is they knew it
they knew that the idols were not doing anything for them
I think that in this day and age to
call attention
To the emptiness that all of these
false ideals which are also
False idols yield is a powerful way
of bringing someone back to the meaningful life of islam
Okay so for example in a world that
emphasizes image you emphasize self-actualization
Who are you who are you do you like
the person that you see in the mirror how do you start liking the
Person that you see in the mirror
not because of the cosmetics of you or because how many people like you
But because of the character and the
faith that yields something more meaningful i think that this world uh
Is becoming emptier i think people
are finding less reasons for fulfillment i think we're the most
We are the emptiest generation i
just gave a talk on hope
God all right let me rewind that all
Here's here's the glimpse of hope of
this all right collectively even the prophet slight
Cinema said that every generation
decreases in faith so every generation that comes
Collectively as a generation is
worse off than the one that came before it then eventually there's a revival
And there are revivers in every generation
right but i think subhanallah you know uh this pandemic
Really revealed a lot about
humankind didn't it uh it really brought out
What people are seeking and some
sometimes people don't yet know what they're seeking
But when they find allah they say
this is what i was missing you know subhanallah there are people
I was doing an interview earlier
today bananas gave me a million interviews to do today that was the the
not-so-see i only
Mentioned the hopeful thing which is
i met him and then alhamdulillah this happened but i didn't mention the other
things but there's also good food
Along the way but no seriously you
know subhanallah there was
A question and i was talking about
The fact that so many people that
were born and raised in islam they don't realize the blessing that
Literally fell in their laps i see
people become muslim that leave behind the most glamorous lives
That leave behind parties and
palaces and they say i've never been happy until
Now and then i see young muslims
running towards that glitter and that and that
Lifestyle thinking that it's going
to give them happiness it's like you have the treasure in your
Lap you were blessed how many of you
were raised muslim can i see a show of hands
Did anyone in here i'd like did
anyone in here convert to islam are there any converts in the crowd
Subhanallah one two all right now it
feels like a fundraiser
Three people that converted to islam
you don't know the treasure that's
Fallen in your lap you know and imam
so there's something to think about this that
You know you have to rediscover the
beauty of your faith and how much fulfillment it gives to you and especially when
you're talking to those
Of you that are parents and you're
talking to your kids give them the ways to where they can really appreciate the
beauty of faith
For themselves instead of being
something that's been passed down you know say the best wealth
You know people don't uh are are
more reckless with their inherited wealth than they are with their earned
So subhanallah those that earned the
wealth of islam they're a lot more diligent with it you see people i see
People that convert to islam i say
subhanallah in one week that person is a more pious muslim
Than me you know than most people
that i know how did that happen right because they found it and when you find
it you're
Like oh this is what it was this is
what it was the whole time so there's a saying from
Allah says oh allah you gave me
islam and i didn't
Even ask you for it it just fell in
my lap
And i'm asking you like you gave me
islam so easily i didn't have to fight for it
How merciful of arab you are how
merciful the lord you are so give me jannah and i'm asking you for it
What is it then if i ask you for
jannah for what we have and we have to
Translate that beauty to other
people and sometimes that means pointing out how the false ideals are indeed
Idols and they're not yielding you
anything but more emptiness exactly
Thank you very much thank you for
your talk you mentioned something very interesting
And compelling about pessimism
however one proverb in the english language that really speaks to me is
Pessimism of intellect and optimism
of will maybe it's because of the british weather that i have this pessimism of
Intellect but if i may come to the
question how do we safeguard ourselves from being
Carried away with optimism and if we
would like to relate this to something like climate change
Many people because of their
optimism they deny this and if i may i wanted to also ask about
How we as muslims contend with and
do about these disastrous predictions
Put forward by many organized
organizations about climate change and about what will happen
The last part could you say that
again about what how do we contend with and what do we do about
The predictions made by many
organizations regarding the climate and
What we can practically practically
do about this as muslims thank you [music]
Um great question there is good hope
and there is bad hope there is good fear and there is bad fear
Good hope is to have hope in allah
That while you do your best and fall
short that he will fill the shortcomings bad hope is
Okay [music] people that said
That you know all i've heard is
heard is about the mercy of allah you know he's so merciful i might not pray i
might not
Do all this stuff i might be doing
this haram but you know even if i go to hell like it'll just be a few days
Allah talks about that mindset yeah
i'm not the best muslim it's okay like being content
And complacent with sin and then
expressing hope in allah don't do that hope is doing the best you can and
Knowing that allah will accept you
for your imperfections because of who he is not who you are so long as you're
Trying your best delusion is when
you're not doing anything and then you're placing your hope in allah's
Mercy while rejecting his commands
and his pathway to that mercy fear
Is that i might not be doing enough
so i need to do more
Despair is debilitating i'm not
going to do anything because i'm going to fail anyway
Uh so that's which is healthy
healthy fear and um
Uh what's the word iblis actually
comes from this
People that despair from the mercy
of allah subhanahu so optimism is always good
Just like allah's mercy exceeds his
wrath our optimism should always be enough to push us
Forward but at the same time we
shouldn't be delusional we also should not stop being
Self-critical uh you know a good
sign of a person's iman is that they criticize themselves
In ways they don't criticize others
so there's the person that
Deflates everybody else's efforts
and says everyone you know they're all on bottom and they don't know what
they're doing and i'm i'm on hak because i can
Call out the bottom right i'm on the
truth and they're all upon falsehood and i get it and they don't
And they don't do anything nor do
they let anyone else do anything and then there are those that say you know
Mashaallah these are beautiful
efforts may allah bless them and they're self-critical they look at their own
sins their own pitfalls and they say how
Can i do better they're
self-critical so that's the balance of that as for the
Gloomy predictions you're right
It's not looking good when it comes
to climate change and that is
That corruption has appeared it's
one manifestation it's not the obvious meaning of the ayah
But truly corruption has appeared on
the land in the seas because of what man's hands have earned purely man-made
I think this is one of the areas
where muslims should be leading in the
Ethical discourse about climate
change a lot of what's taking place with
Climate change right now is an
extension of the overall greed that dominates human beings
That i will do what is what is
convenient to me even if it's the destruction of everybody around me
That's both at the level of corporation
and that consumer institution and individual right
That it just doesn't matter what
happens to the world around me people or earth i'm gonna do what's convenient
No consideration for the toxicity of
what we do nor for the generation that comes after
Us i think muslims should be leading
the way and producing
Ways forward from a spiritual
paradigm of how to address
Environmentalism and climate change
i also think artificial intelligence is another realm in which muslims should
Lead the way in terms of ethical
discussions as we're really starting to depart from
What it means to be a human being
the first time i ever saw a robot in a restaurant by the way was today i don't
know if that's a
Thing in turkey or not but we don't
have robots and restaurants in texas you know we have people with guns but we
Have robots in our restaurants in
texas like what's going on here so we should be leading the way i think in the
And the discussion of ethics when it
comes to climate change as well as artificial intelligence because these will
By far i think be the dominant uh
two realms in the immediate future
[music] here i think i have a
special gift for
You uh first of all i'm umar from
africa uh actually i consider today as one of
The most important moments in the
life i've been uh in my life at even hadoon university
Actually you are one of my uh young
one of the scholars that i
Really love i follow you on
instagram twitter
And any other social media platform
and i do like the way that you try to promote the image of islam and you are
You stand for for the course of
allah but the most important uh aspect of your
Scholarship is not uh how you tend
to kind of promote the image of islam but
How you use that platform of being
islamic scholar to speak for humanity
And uh i really appreciate the way
you stand for those who have been oppressed
Over over the years especially in
u.s and uh i realized that uh you admire the
One that i love the most uh one of
the one of the important uh of
One of the important uh arduos in
the uh in the history of black
People in america uh that is why i
decided tonight uh to come and give you this special gift
As or something to appreciate you
for your stand against the abuse of humanity so i have
A book here that i write to to to
rewrite the history of africa
Because i'm not actually okay with
the way that the slavery colonization and the imperialism of africa
Have been writing about by the
europeans and other scholars around the world so i took my time to say yes it
is time for
Africans to stand up and write their
own history so this is
So here's the book it's my first
book the reason that i say it is my first
Book because i let him do live i have
another one and it will be out in no time so i would
Like to present my first book as a
gift to you tonight and i think it is something very important for me
I know you're gonna make it [music]
[applause] [music]
[music] you got it
So we have a community a center that
we try to make tawa in istanbul
And i am volunteer of the center for
a couple of years and we when we go into the mosque waiting for the foreigners
Make dawah by saying and when that
person that we called to
Islam just walks out of door without
having it without taking the shahada
We're just disappointed heartbroken
and i know that we cannot be professionals in this because this is
Something that we do with our own
heart but also we need to improve i know this
So i personally have some
difficulties about having that balance between saying
Okay i could have done better so i
should improve this and this side maybe i could have uh give this answer this
side so
That maybe it would be better and
with the other side saying this was not by me this is by allah so i should not
be sad
So um i i want to ask you about this
balance so we should improve but also
About tawakkur on the other side
thank you [music]
Something very precious that one of
my messiah told me never regret anything that you said or did seeking to
Please allah so when you're looking
in the past and you say i could have said that better i
Could have done that better if you
were sincere when you did it don't regret it but improve for the future
So do not dwell upon how you could
have done this better or said that better as long as you were sincere instead
Refine your sincerity and refine
your methods inshaallah ta'ala and keep thinking about how to speak how to get
Better how to do better but don't
look back and say i could have done this or i could have done that better
That's not going to be helpful nor
is it what allah tasks you with and that's the tawakkul and allah
Subhanahu wa by the way i'll say
this subhanallah sometimes so
As a public speaker sometimes i give
a lecture and i think it was awful
But it changed someone's life and
sometimes i give a lecture that i think is a good lecture and it didn't benefit
So you also don't know how your
words are being received sometimes you hear them differently when you say them
Than the heart that is in front of
you and they needed to hear it in a certain way or see it in a certain way also
Someone can tell when you're being
sincere and you're speaking to them don't give dawah looking down on someone
Beneath your nose right give dawah
as someone who cares about the person in front of you
And if people can perceive your
Nothing benefits the heart except
that which comes out of the heart people can perceive that you're speaking from
your heart and that you're being sincere
Towards them then they're likely to
overlook some of the things that you might say
That maybe you didn't mean to say
and to benefit much more because they can perceive your sincerity and your
Show all right i have one question
may i
Okay um we're speaking about the
hope um do you think that the discussion of
Hope in the west is much have like
differences from the
Discussion of hope in the east of
course with the modern term of western east
Right someone might say you know
it's easy for you to have hope because you're seeing this this and that happen
Right and then i live in a country
where i'm not seeing that happen i'm seeing that it's becoming tighter for
Tighter for islam i think it's
important to recognize
Subhanallah that even in the
lifetime of the prophet sallam there were people in medina and people
In mecca at the same time and people
in abyssinia and those three groups of people were
All interacting with with the
concept of hope in very different ways
While the muslims were saying allahu
akbar after badr
[music] was locked up in a basement
being tortured in mecca right like it's it's it's it's
Interesting and abyssinia the
muslims were encountering it in a different way but the concept of trusting in
allah was a
Same acro it was the same across the
board i get you know there was once a question that was asked by uh
Someone on my head's group and i'll
end with this inshallah because it tells you about what you're seeing the light
that you might be missing or or not seeing he
Was really upset he said you keep
talking about the reward of praying in the haram
And praying one time in masjid
al-haram in mecca is worth how many salawat
A hundred thousand he's like how is
it fair that allah put me in america
And these guys and this he said
they're not very nice people that live around the haram
Get to go pray a hundred thousand
salawats he was really upset like he was deeply troubled
First time by the way it happened
usually when i share that with my hajj group they say masha allah let's make
sure we catch every salah in jamaa
This guy was like red in the face
and angry he's like these people can go pray a
Hundred thousand salah i'm stuck in
america i have to pay all these thousands of dollars to come get a few salawats
here it doesn't make sense
And what i told him was you are
surrounded by non-muslims
If allah guides one person through
your hand it is better for you than the dunya and
Everything in it you have
opportunities these people will
Never have right i recognize how
many of you have never
Seen someone say how many of you
have never seen a convert in front of your eye someone converts to islam in
your eyes you've
Never seen someone take shahada can
you raise your hands at least half of you
Have never seen someone become
muslim in america
Salatur juma
It's a blessing but you know what
today when i heard the adhan for salatul
I was like yeah like what an amazing
feeling to hear the adam being called in the
Streets how easy is it for you to go
out and to be muslim
And not have to worry about someone
saying something to you or doing something to you just because you're
Muslim like the easiness the
blessing of your islam here
It's a blessing it's a nirmah so
allah has divided opportunities
And divided his good deeds they're
all mercy of allah bounties from allah subhanahu amongst the servants and allah
Knows you you're here and i'm there
for a reason trust me
The food is better here than texas
and turkey's a lot nicer i'm here i'm like
Why am i in texas all right but
allah put me there and he put you here for a reason alhamdulillah allah
Made certain good deeds available to
you that he has not made available to me and made certain good deeds available
to me
That he has not made available to you
and opportunities so the hope is once again in your efforts
And what you're doing with your
circumstances may allah accept from all of us.
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