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Knowledge is Key - Nouman Ali Khan - Malaysia Tour 2015 |
Knowledge is Key - Nouman Ali Khan - Malaysia Tour 2015
Alhamdulillah he rabbil alameen wasallahu wa salamu ala al anbiya wal-mursalin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihiajma'in semana advil a human shaytan alrajim bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Yara Ujala dina manu edited on tumba de manila a jelly musa man fact Oh boohoo well Yocto Buena come Kathy bumble Aden Robbie Charlize Audrey we are silly Emery wahoo lock the time we'll listenII of Coca-Cola a mini rabbil alameenthere are sometimes some places in the Quran where Allah talks about you know certain certain concepts that we just pass over because we're so focused on one thing the primary subject and we just want to derive the main conclusions from what Allah saying and we overlook the way in which Allah said it and sometimes the way in which Allah says things and the small phrases that headds to the speech just completely change your perspective on how you should view certain subjects I know that sounds abstract I'll try to make it very very direct now you know everybody has concept of I am learning Dean or I am learning dunya so when they're learning science or with they're learning biology if they're learning you know medicine or if they're learning. You know accounting or finance or something like that they're learningdunya and if they're studying hadith and fear can Sharia and Arabic and Dutch weed and all these things then they ‘restudying what they're learning Dean right and we do this all the time like my work is dunya and my time in the Masjid is Dean right so we separate Dean and Dona Dean and Dona all the time we we use this terminology right and so what happens then when you keep doing this you keep using that kind of language as you develop the idea that certain things you do in in a day 24hours certain things you do are beneficial for your akhira and certain things you do are only beneficial for your dunya but actually that the concept of Islam is very powerful is very beautiful the concept of Islam is that we are we are slaves of Allah and a slave is not a slave for certain hours by definition a slave is not the same as a worshipper a worshipper is someone who does worship so we were worshipers when we were upstairs making Salah youunderstandbut when Salah was over we were still slaves now the word for worshipper is Abbott Abbott but the word for slave isAbbottso we are Abbott meaning worshipers at certain times you know when I go to Hajj I’m Abbott when I go to Salah I'm Abbott when I'm reciting Quran I'm Abbott but when I'm driving my car I'm still what I’m still armed when I when I'm getting married I'm still armed when I have children I'm still hablen I'm going to work I'm still odd when I'm taking a vacation I'm still odd I may not be a rabbit at the time but I'm still a god but now the thing is we've don't turn this conversation into Dean and dunya in other words unless you're a rabbit you’re really not doing anything for your afterlife you're not doing anything that makes Allah happy I felt if you really want to do something for your Deen then you have to be on the abbot side of things you have to be a worshipper you have to be learning teaching in a Masjid in a Holika in a setting you have to be doing these things other things are all for your dunya now the thing is let's just change the framework of our education first this happened to me while I was in Australia a young man came up to me after my program and said you know start I feel really bad why do you feel bad while I'm studying accounting well like that guess you should feel bad but uh but explained more why you feel bad but he feels bad because he wants to be studying Deen instead and instead he’s studying accounting which is dunya so I said why why do you don't why do you don't like accounting you don't like the subject I mean I understand that just if you don't like accounting that just means you're a normal human being no he goes I love accounting I really like itI love me I love the math I love doing the numbers I enjoy it but I just feel bad that I'm doing this to make my career better and get a job and get married and make my parents proud in all of this all of that is dunya what am I doing for Dean I'm just doing all of this for dunya you understand the question right and a lot of people feel that way have a successful career you know they're an executive or they're getting an MBA or they're getting a PhD and they're not getting a PhD in hadith or Sharia they're getting a PhD in microbiology they're getting a PhD in psychology they're getting a PhD in history something and they're like well this is just worldly you know it has nothing to do with my afterlife the way the Quran shatters this unfortunate concept by the way this concept is a new concept this is not an old concept this is a new development as a result of secularism and the idea of secularism is to separate the worlds of morality and education from the rest of life so your spiritual life and your moral life has none and it should be one thing and education and public sphere every thing else should be separated those two worlds should not coexist together okay so who you are at business and who you are at the Masjid are two different things this business don't bring the mustard into this you know or this is this is a university don't bring religion into this or for example you’ll have companies even in the Muslim world sometimes you have for example American companies and you know America is known for freedom of speech but only in America you know it's known for some freedom of speech when they said they'll set up a company somewhere in like the Arab world some where and they'll create a compound inside the compound you pretend you're in America inside that compound you can't talk about your religion what and you can't really openly pray and you can't really do this so you can't really wait what is it well I thought freedom of expression freedom of speech you can do whatever you want no no not inside this compound we don't tolerate religious discussions here really ah sow hat happens then is this idea this extreme idea of separating your religious life and your life of a bad out from your life of your Korea and we you know for the most part of the world not just one country or another country the world has experienced some form of secularization or another so the way that the average Muslim is secularized even if they're raised in the Muslim country even if they herded on their entire life even if their whether they’re in Pakistan or they're here or they're in Bangladesh or they're in Australia or they're in America it doesn't matter you know what's happened with us what's happened with us is when you go to when you go to college right Wyatt what's your motivation forgoing to college it's to get a good degree so you can get a good job that's your motivation which of course equals dunya right but then you have this guilt I'm going to do all these things from my dunya I've become a techie I've become a programmer I've become a doctor I've become an architect but I haven't done anything for my dunya now I need to make some time for Salah I need to make sometime for I need to do Hajj I need to start learning some Arabic memorize Quran I need to start taking care of my Deen right so what happens is people swing one way then this swing the other way and then a lot of people quit their career they just quit their career I just want to do something for Islam I don't want my career any more forget it what I want to share with you in this small expression this is an ayaha bout loans and in Medina in the prophet's time salallahu alayhi wasalam most people were not literate most people did not know how to read and write starting with our own prophet sallallaahu hardly said that we didn't know how to read and write now when allah revealed a guidance for business transactions which is what happens insurat al-baqara how do you do business transactions what are the ethics or the morals of business transactions particularly he highlighted a complicated business transaction and a complicated business transaction is not like when you go to the store and buy a Kit Kat because when you go to the storeand buy a Kit Kat you give some money you get the Kit Kat it's done but when youhave a complicated business transaction you sign a contract you make a down payment first then the services are being provided and when the services are done then you'll make the rest of the payment it's more complicated or you've taken a loan and the loan is for this property or whatever it is and you have to make the loan payments over time right and some complications can arise in between or there might be an conflict between the lender and the and the borrower there are some problems might arise this is not simple situations these are complicated situations now the thing is if I borrowed money from you ifI borrowed $100 from you or 100 Ringgits for you or actually nowadays 400Ringgits from you and said oh I'll just I'll pay you back next week I got you next week you come back to me next week hey so did I say next week I thought I said two weeks no I pretty sure you said next week really I could have sworn I said two weeks okay here's your 200 back wait no no I give you 400 are you sure you gave me four I was pretty sure you gave me 200 no I think I don't think I would have taken 400 I think 300 at the most even if I'm not a liar and a cheater what can fail my memory can fail and my memory usually fails in a way that saves me money right that's consciously or subconsciously my memory fails me in away that I want to extend the dead line not pay you ahead of time but pay you later isn't it so if you're going to have you know today on Toby Dane and Elisha Limu son life you're going to take a business loan transaction until a set deadline- boohoo then documented Allah says write it down don't take loan agreements without having proper documentation so you should have legitimate documentation even when you're taking a personal loan of course banks and things like that they do a lot of due diligence and they do their homework and they make you sign85,000 papers and you know here's what you have to sign okay you know and you don't know which which one signs off your leg and which one signs off your left eye or something you're just signing because you're not going to read any of that you know but anyway but among personally among family friend sand things like that you might give a loan and you say it's a favor don't worry about it just you know I know you'll pay me back next year no don't do that you should still what write it down you should still have some documentation right now problem with this instruction in Medina was what most people don't know how to write for October now come Kathy Boonville oddly then a writer should be writing this down among you some writer Alice is Kathy Boone a writer he doesn't say a believing writer he doesn't say a purse of taqwa he just has a person who know show to write now the person who know show to write I mean he receives an education not in the with the profit slice item he doesn't he didn't learn to write from the Prophet Masato Salaam because the Prophet himself does not know how to write so he got his educationthe writer got his education from some other source and I would argue an Una'slama course a secular source didn't he and without that writer you would not be able to fulfill this ayah because the ayah requires a writer and this writer God has a secular education else where but this writer says uh you know I don't want to write it down for you I'm busy but Medina is not very many filled it's not filled with writers people who are able to write so the few people who can write now you've heard the concept of jury duty right well you're called in to court as a as a responsibility of your citizenship well the few people who were capable of writing were now called upon to say if there is a business transaction and you are being asked to write then you shouldn't refuse you should come and write it down because it's your civic duty to help the people who want to make business transactions because they're not capable of doing it right so Allah says wallah bucket even though right no writer should refuse and Yacouba to write things down now this is the part that really gets me come on allama hula-hoopa lactam no writer should refuse writing things down just as allah had taught him so he should write it down wait ally didn't he didn't learn from the Prophet he did learn from the angel jibreel he learned from someplace how to write some other place and what did he learn to write business contracts accounting finance isn't it which we today call a secular field isn't it and Allah is languages the way Allah taught him come on Allah may Allah who now if you lookat the word Allah in the Quran to teach you know Allah says Yui Limu Kamala Milam Taku note 11 by Limu Kamala takuna Tyler moon what were you on allahuw'allahu you could lead hey tali Allah is teaching you and Allah know everything Allah teaches you what you couldn't possibly have known your selves Allah says alumel Quran he taught the Quran and now he says he taught the accountant how to write the language of accounting and finance and business transactions he on the one hand talks about he taught revelation and now he’s talking about teaching business agreements why because Allah is now making all knowledge all human knowledge so long as it benefits society in someway all of it is sacred to Allah knowledge itself is sacred to Allah and he takes credit for it himself you may have learned from your teacher you may have learned for example the language of science from your teacher who may have learned it from his teacher who may have learned it from his teacher and you keep going further back and you're going to end up at the first human being Adamalayhi Salam and Adam alayhi Salam did not know any words until Allah taught him names for all things a llama a double Ozma I've said this several times I'll repeat myself just because it ties into this concept every subject you study whether you're studying you know the language of studying science or history or politics whatever you ‘restudying every subject has terminology if you're studying grammar it has terminology yeah a lot of terminology right if you're studying to see it it has terminology if you're studying you know Finance it has its own terminology if you're studying programming it has its own terminology isn't it and what is terminology certain special words that have a special definition isn't it that's what they are and at every textbook at the end there's a glossary of terms because you need to be familiar with these terms now terminology names for things is in Arabic Allah SWA and these names came about from previous things you know we had more basic names for things as our knowledge advanced we use those basic elements and created more advanced names and then created more advanced names and created more advanced things isn't it so terminology keeps getting more and more and more what advanced so we have names for more and more and more things so keep going back we keep to naming new new and new renewed things you keep going back there are lesser and lesser names lesser and lesser names lesser and lesser names until you go far back enough it's adamantium and Allah says Allah taught him terminologies for all things a lot of the names for Alice Mahakala ha in other words every science that is made up of any terminology is that actually a great-great-great great-great grand child of the same vocabulary that was once given to who adam alayhis-salamwhich means all of it is revealed by allah all of it all knowledge and science that human beings discover is actually inspired to the human beings come on Allah Mahalo as Allah who taught him I made it a point to share this concept with you because you don't have to feel bad about this area of science or you know the area of social sciences the area of history whatever you are studying you're not to feel bad thatit's not Deen its knowledge granted tothe human being if you're studying architecture does that benefit society absolutely if you're studying public administration as a benefit society absolutely does it benefit people yeah sure if you're studying business can it benefit people absolutely these fields are essential they're beneficial as a matter of fact I look back at my own career and I realize I made a transition out of the technology industry into what I do now this crazy thing we call by youknow right this is I made this jump and before I was doing this for almost a decade I was in the technology I got a job full time working in the tech industry while I was in college so Iwork full time and go to college part-time right and by the time I graduated I was already offered like a department Director position at a company hamdullah and I used to be a design director so I was big on like front-end design and you know UI and graphic design that sort of thing that was my area right and so when I left allof it and you know that in early 2000sit was a dot-com bust and all these companies were laying off people well I was yeah laid off you know and then I decided to do something with ArabiI can maybe put some just you know take whatever notes I had and put them online somewhere and this and that but I couldn't I didn't have the money to hirea graphic designer or you know some body who can write the code for me and do the JavaScript for me and back in the day HTML for me all the stuff I didn't know that any you know who did that I did Idid it myself but I couldn't have done it if I didn't have previous background if I didn't have my career background I would not be able to put together a. comand put together the study materials and put together the advertising materials and put together the resources that I needed to actually teach a class at emotion because I didn't have any outside help was just myself right so what I learned before had I not known it we wouldn't be sitting here we wouldn’t be sitting here so I don't look at look back at that career and that job and that position and those opportunities as well that was dunya and this is Dean not at all as a matter of fact I look at that as the fundamental the essentialder BIA that Allah allowed me to learn that allowed me to do what I'm doing nowit's not a waste and that's the view we have to have of our education and our experiences no experience is a waste no learning is a waste no job is a waste it's a waste when you don't make advantage of it when you don't take advantage everything Allah will give you as an opportunity and you have to use that opportunity for something better something good so long as you're doing that you're good don't get caught up inthis deen versus dunya thing there's one final note on this which you might not like to hear but i have to say is people say i want to do this for the sake of allah i want to do everything for the sake of allah i say that's impossible huh okay if you want to have sincerity if you want to be sincere what a sincerity mean you do things for the sake of allah ah no sorry you can say that that means you don't have sincerity because everything you do should be for the sake of Allah I mean let me ask you this famous hadith the Prophet SAW Sodom describes a man a man who had committed many many sins many sins and he sees a dog that's dying of thirst and he's about to drink himself and he gives the dog the drink and then he died the man died where did he go he went to Genda because he showed mercy to the dog yeah now I think about that hadith and I asked myself did he give the dog the drink for the sake of Allah did he before he fed the dog say Ya Allah this is not for the dog because I personally only like dogs this is for your sake sincerely for you now I'm gonna give the dog is that what happened why did he give the dog drink he felt bad for the dog he felt mercy he sincerely felt mercy for the dog he had sincerity what we've done is we've taken the word sincerity and made it what sincerity for the sake of Allah sincerity approved by Allah is not the same as sincerity for the sake of Allah there's all kinds of sincerity I have sincerity to my wife that’s not for the sake of Allah that's for her I have sincerity to my mom I love her but I don't love her for the sake of Allah if you tell your mom Ilove you for the sake of Allah you know what that means had it not been for Allah I would not have I mean seriously it's so hard otherwise no I you know the prophesy some says when you smile in the face of your brother it sadaqa right Alba’s Macchio geohecras hidaka when Isee a good friend I smile but I don't smile for the sake of I just want happy to see him I don't see him okay ah Cara if I did that by the way if I did that if I smiled only for the sake of Allah not because I'm happy to see him that would not be sincere that's actually an insincere smile isn'tit there are some things you and I do purely for the sake of Allah a class to Allah Salah is only for Allah Hajj is only for Allah teaching the Deen is only for Allah you know like memorizing Quran is only for Allah obadah is only for Allah to eyes only for Allah you understand but then there are some things you do for people there are some things you do for yourself I don't exercise for the sake of Allah I like it I don't play basketball for the sake of Allah no he change your intention if you do it for the sake of Allah that basketball l will counter their battle how do I change my intention I just like basketball what do you mean change my intention I'm taking the shot for the sake of Allah the whole that doesn't make any sense that doesn't make any sense so what we've done is we've taken these famous words for the sake of Allah and we artificially impose them one verything in life and then our life becomes super difficult because when you're driving to work and getting paid you're like I'm getting paid for the sake of the Paycheck I'm not getting people to take of Allah I'm in sincere no you're not relaxed I'm constable Habib Allah the one who works hard is the beloved of Allah why because they are sincere to their job they're sincere to their employer they're sincere at their work they're don't lie they don't cheat they don't steal sincerity for the sake of Allah does not mean sincerity only to Allah sincerity to people sincerity to your job sincerity to your agreements sincerity to yourself all of that's acceptable to Allah all of that is beloved to Allah why would the prophets let him even say something so powerful like a husband and a wife loving each other physically is an act of robada that no man is thinking about the sake of Allah when he's with his wife he's not let's be honest and he doesn't before a whole lot of second make my intention no it's just not our Dena's natural it's natural we make it artificial we make it difficult to understand and process that so that what I'm going back to is some people feel when they have a particular career that career is not for the sake of Allah your career should have sincere intentions you want to do something good with it you want to benefit someone with it and that's ok that's ok there are certain things in which the intention should only be for Allah robada is the big one I bother should only be for Allah when you give charity it should only be for Allah but by the way if you give charity because you feel bad for someone is that acceptable yes there are sometimes acceptable intentions acceptable intentions and that's fine like that man who gave charity to the dog wasn't that an acceptable intention yeah yeah that was completely unacceptable intention so we have to broaden our perspective on how to think about our religion and not impose on our Deen things that align his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not impose they didn't force those things onus we did we took some of these definitions we gave them an ultra strange meaning and then made our own lives difficult may allah azzawajal make us sincere to him and to people in all things that we dobarakallahu li walakum wa-salaamualaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato thanks for watching guys i hope you benefited i'd like to encourage you to actually embark on a comprehensive journey into the quran i've done a video translation and explanation of theentire quran it's called quran cover to cover I'd like you to check it on a Baena TV just do a little bit of it everyday and before you know it you’ll have gone through the entire Quran in translation with me hope you can take part summer equinox Allah.
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